Learn how to create a simple counter contract using Clarinet.
In this quickstart guide, you will write a simple counter contract with Clarity. Throughout this tutorial, you'll learn how to generate a new project, create a smart contract, and validate your smart contract code using the Clarinet CLI.
To follow this quickstart guide, you will need to have Clarinet installed on your machine.
If you need more installation options, check out the installation guide.
Generate your counter project
Start by creating a new Clarinet project. This command will create a new directory named counter and set up a basic Clarinet project inside it.
Navigate to the newly created directory:
You should see the following files and folders:
Create a counter contract
Inside your project, create your first contract. This command will create an empty counter.clar file in the contracts folder as well as a counter.test.ts file in the tests folder.
It also updates the Clarinet.toml file inside your project with the necessary settings.
Variables and functions
In Clarity, you can define variables and functions to store and manipulate data. Inside your contracts/counter.clar file:
Define a map called Counters to store the count associated with each user.
Define a public function called count-up that increments the count of the user who calls it.
Add a read-only function called get-count that returns the count of the user who calls it.
Validate your counter contract
Now it's time to validate your contract. This command will check your contract for errors and typos.
When the validation is successful, you should see the following output: ✔ 1 contract checked.
You can go one step further and test your valid contract in a local REPL with the following steps:
Run clarinet console from the terminal inside of your project.
Call your contract by running (contract-call? .counter count-up).
Verify the count of the user has been incremented by calling the get-count function with the tx-sender as the argument.