Predicate design

Predicates are the building blocks of Chainhook.

The core design of chainhooks revolves around the concept of predicates. Each individual chainhook has a customizable predicate that specifies what information you are scanning for.

Predicates are defined in an if-this, then-that format. You'll write your condition in the if-this condition template and use then-that to output the result.


The if-this predicate design can use the following attributes to define the predicates. The 'scope' parameter is mandatory to use with any other parameters.

  "if_this": {
    "scope": "txid",
    "equals": "0xfaaac1833dc4883e7ec28f61e35b41f896c395f8d288b1a177155de2abd6052f"

Other available parameters:

  • equals
  • op_return
  • ends_with
  • p2pkh
  • p2sh
  • p2wpkh
  • operation

For more information on predicate definitions, refer to the scopes reference page.


The then-that predicate design can use the following attributes to output the result based on the if-this condition defined.

  "then_that": {
    "file_append": {
      "path": "/tmp/events.json",
  "then_that": {
    "http_post": {
      "url": "",
      "authorization_header": "Bearer 1234567890"